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Immigration, by definition, refers to the decision and process of an individual who decides to move to a new country or region to stay and live there, either temporarily or permanently. There are dozens of different reasons why individuals, families, and groups of people choose to immigrate to new countries. Better employment opportunities, family reunification, sociopolitical upheavals, and environmental factors: are just a few of the reasons why people choose to migrate.

The European Commission defines immigration programs as those that “facilitate migration which is organized or supported with the assistance of a government, governments or an international organization, as opposed to spontaneous migration, which is unaided.”

Most governments of sovereign countries have different immigration programs that offer legal pathways for individuals and families who are seeking to migrate to that country. These immigration programs will differ from country to country. However, most governments of those countries that receive large numbers of both temporary and permanent migrants have well-established protocols and legal routes that enable people to safely and legally enter and stay in those countries of their choice.

Some immigration programs may be centered on short-term employment opportunities, such as the temporary work visas offered by the United States government to help cover the demand for agricultural labor during certain harvest seasons. Other immigration programs may be focused on allowing high-skilled workers and professionals to permanently enter the country to work and help address shortages of important professional jobs in that country. Still, other immigration programs may focus on family reunification efforts, refugee or political asylum cases, or simply enhancing the diversity of a country.

Guide Passport Index

Applying through established immigration programs might take more effort, time, and patience than unaided, irregular migratory routes. However, immigration programs around the world exist to help ensure that people wanting to migrate can do so in a safe, authorized, and orderly manner. Once accepted into a country through an established immigration program, the individual or family will also enjoy the rights and legal protections that come with being in the country legally.

For people who are looking to migrate in the near term future, it is extremely important to research and understand the processes, legal terminology, and nuances of the different immigration programs that are available in the country in which they are planning to arrive. Understanding the immigration programs that are available to you will help in selecting the right pathway based on your individual needs and circumstances. This will also increase the probability of being accepted through an established immigration program.

Immigration statistics

According to the 2022 World Migration Report, published by the United Nations, an estimated 281 million people were living in a country other than their countries of birth in the year 2020. This number has increased dramatically over the past decades. Compared to 1990, for example, there are 128 million more migrants today and over three times as many international migrants as there were back in 1970. Given our growing world population, strong family ties across international borders, the mobility of the global economy and marketplace, and increasing political and environmental instability in certain parts of the world, the number of total migrants across the world should only continue to rise in the coming years and decades.

Unfortunately, millions of people who choose to migrate do so as undocumented or “irregular” migrants. In 2022, for example, the number of undocumented immigrant crossings at the southern border of the United States with Mexico was over 2.76 million people. Undocumented migration tends to pose serious safety risks to the person or family who is migrating. From crossing dangerously hot deserts in the southern United States to crossing the Mediterranean Sea in insecure boats to get to Europe, undocumented migratory routes have caused numerous tragedies over the years.

Popular countries for immigration

Though virtually every country in the world receives immigrants (or has received immigrants in the past), certain countries receive more immigration than others. Solid economic opportunities, political stability, the opportunity for family reunification, and other similar conditions are a few reasons why countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and the United Kingdom receive huge influxes of migrants every year. Given the number of migrants wanting to reach these countries each year, there are also dozens of different immigration programs set up and administered by these five countries.

Below, we offer a succinct overview of the different immigration programs that are available for each of these five countries. This will allow individuals who either want to migrate for employment opportunities or those who are seeking asylum for each country, to use compelling and fact-based descriptions of the country’s available immigration programs.

Benefits of immigrating

Leaving your home country can be a traumatic experience, especially if you are fleeing from conflict, environmental degradation, poverty, etc. However, migrating to a new country can offer several advantages that can help individuals and families get a new start in life. Migrating to a new country often opens up unique economic opportunities that are simply not available in your country of origin. The United Nations states that migrant workers send between US$200 and $300 home every one or two months. Economic remittances are often an important economic lifeline to family members who stay in their country of origin. Furthermore, immigration may also offer superior educational prospects for young people who may not find the ability to continue their preferred path of study in their country of origin. Upon finishing their education, some migrants may choose to return to their countries of origin with their enhanced education and abilities. Other benefits and advantages that may come with immigration to a new country include an enhanced lifestyle, improved career opportunities, access to quality and emergency healthcare, cultural enrichment, and the chance to reunite with family members. Choosing to migrate through established immigration programs can ensure that your migratory experience is legal and safe, and offers you the best chance for long-term stability.

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Common paths to immigration (immigration categories)

Around the world, different countries tend to divide their immigration programs into categories that respond to the differing needs of the individuals intending to migrate into the country. Some of the primary avenues through which individuals typically immigrate include:

Skilled worker programs

These programs are focused on individuals who have already developed professional skills and work experience in certain in-demand occupations. Many developed countries actively seek out high-skilled laborers and professionals to satisfy growing demand in certain industries. Start-up visas also fall into this category as countries actively seek to invite innovative entrepreneurs into the country to stimulate economic growth.

Family reunification

Most major migrant-receiving countries also have different pathways available for individuals to join their family members who are either citizens or permanent residents of that country.

Student and educational visas

Young people looking to continue their higher education studies may also apply for educational visas. Upon finishing their course of study, there are generally different programs available to those graduates that allow them to transition to permanent residency or embark upon a pathway to citizenship.

Business and investor programs

Business owners who wish to either relocate to a new country or expand a successful business into new markets may also be able to obtain permanent residency through different business and investor programs. If they can prove that their company will be relocating a certain amount of capital to the country or providing a certain number of jobs, these programs generally offer a quick pathway toward residency.

Refugee and asylum seekers

Lastly, most developed countries have refugee and asylum programs for individuals and families who are facing persecution or conflicts in their country of origin.